FHC celebrates who we are and the progress that we have made on our racial equity journey.
At the same time, we recognize that significant work still remains.

We strive to create ways to promote common language and understanding about racism and racial equity. We strive to provide information on how to be anti-racist for people at all levels of experience. We strive to create brave spaces that challenge assumptions and nurture growth. We celebrate who we are. We recognize the diversity in how God speaks to people and incorporate that into worship. We are examining how we incorporate racial equity into our structure as well as through our ministries.  We are helping congregants build skills, strength, and endurance for the racial equity journey, through spiritual formation, anti-racism practices, and racial equity buddies.

Creating Racial Equity

In 2019, an in-depth Racial EquitySurvey* was taken by church members and active participants in the life of the church. As a result of this survey, the Creating Racial Equity Committee was created to support each of the church’s ministries in implementing the survey team recommendations and in measuring the church’s progress on the recommendations. The Racial Equity Committee presented its final report and recommendations to Session in the Nov 29, 2023 Session Meeting. The committee’s findings and recommendations can be found in the following documents located in the “Resources” section of this website.

*Survey Link

Racial Repair and Restoration Task Force

The Racial Repair and Restoration Task Force (from left to right): Jeannine Gury, Quentin Smith, Marina Grant (co-chair), Mark Chupp, Sonji Kenyatta (co-chair) and Danielle Cosgrove.

If not now, when?
If not us, who?

We are inheritors of all the good and bad that made our house (America) what it is today!  From the days of discovery (1492) to the genocide of Native Americans; slavery; short-lived Emancipation followed by Jim Crow laws; the recognition of women’s rights; the congressional vote for Civil rights, to the calls of today for repair and equality.

As members of Forest Hill Church, Presbyterian we inherited the past wrongs of this church. We profess that we will strive to become a Matthew 25 church which states, “#9, Blends faith and action to generate a commitment to defeating injustice (not forgetting that injustice can also be found within the Church)”, we will strive to heal our community by making amends for the previous wrongs through steps of Repair.

REPAIR: endorsed by Session on October 26, 2022, a financial contribution to help a Cleveland Heights minority person(s), preferably female, pull themselves out of Education debt in order to obtain the American dream of a good job and the ownership of property. The Ministry of Justice & Mission was assigned to organize an independent task force to expand on the work previously done, develop a program and make recommendations to Session.

Upcoming Events

FHC Juneteenth Event
FHC Juneteenth Event
FHC Juneteenth Event


Racial Equity Buddies and Equity Book Club

Racial Equity Buddies and the Equity Book Club are designed to combat individual and structural racism. Regarding individual racism, equity buddies pair up and agree to meet consistently to confidentially discuss racism and other sensitive equity issues. 

Check out our Upcoming 2024-2025 Book Discussions.

Learn More

Want to be a part of our racial equity initiatives?

If you would like to become involved in the Racial Equity activities, email: racialequitybuddies@fhcpresb.org