March 5: Ash Wednesday
5:45pm – Soup and bread potluck in Fellowship Hall
7:00pm – Worship in the Sanctuary, with imposition of ashes to observe the beginning of Lent. Childcare will be provided.
March 19: Dinner and Discussion in Fellowship Hall
5:45pm – Soup and bread dinner, brief devotional service, and facilitated small-group discussions on our spiritual journeys and practices. Childcare will be provided.
April 17: Maundy Thursday Service in Fellowship Hall
5:45pm – Soup and bread potluck in Fellowship Hall
7:00pm – Intergenerational service of Communion and Tenebrae (scripture reading and gradual extinguishing of light), also in Fellowship Hall. Children are welcome at this meal and worship experience. Childcare for birth to five-year-olds will be provided.
April 18: Good Friday Service at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
12:00pm – Join a number of our neighboring congregations at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2747 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Heights) for a three-hour ecumenical service of music, scripture, and preaching. Worshipers are welcome to arrive and depart throughout the service.
Please register for meals and sign up to bring soup/bread.
Two members of Forest Hill Church, Scott Lafferty and Diana Woodbridge, along with retired pastor, Rev. Dr. John C. Lentz, Jr., received service awards from GCC on January 23.
As a “Matthew 25 Congregation” within the Presbyterian Church…
…we are committed to finding ways to carry out this Bible chapter’s six directives for meeting human needs. One familiar example – “I was hungry, and you gave me food” – is currently addressed, in part, with our large Abundant Food Pantry distribution every Tuesday.
Much remains to be done; you are invited to help find ways to meet more needs in this community and beyond. For more “Matthew 25 Congregation” information, click here.