Give to Forest Hill
Thank you for giving to the mission and vision of Forest Hill.
- Make your 2025 pledge commitment (Pledge Form)
- Make a Designated Gift here (Explanation and Form)
- Make your Per Capita payment here (Explanation and Form)

For the year 2025, we’re guided by the words from the book of Genesis:
“God will send their angel with you
and make your journey a success”
(based on Genesis 24:40)
Whenever an angel appears in the Bible, you know something special is about to happen. People are called, life changes, a powerful purpose is laid out in front of a person. Or a church, perhaps, our church. Angels know they serve God. They are wise, patient, joyous, modest, mighty, obedient, motivating. Angels have wings, wings to create change. They are, or can be, us. The exciting process toward new pastoral leadership is underway, so it’s upon us to continue to do everything that is vital for the church and to further our active role in the community.
Click on “Learn More” below to read a newsletter highlighting many of Forest Hill’s Ministry plans and aspirations for 2025. And join us in striving to reach 200 pledges for 2025 – generously supporting these plans and aspirations.
Ways to Give
A Pledge is a commitment to contribute a specific amount to the church’s annual budget for the year. Some people’s household income lends itself to giving on a regular basis: weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Other people’s income is sporadic or fluctuating, and they meet their yearly pledge as they can throughout the year. Either way, making a stated commitment for the coming year:
- enables our leadership to plan wisely and set a realistic budget for the coming year.
- creates a mechanism for our personal accountability.
- demonstrates that we are sincerely dedicated to the ministry and mission of our faith family.
Designated Gifts
Designated Gifts are financial contributions made for a specific purpose, such as sanctuary flowers, food pantry, education, music, Ron Register Scholarship, etc. When making designated gifts, you complete an online form and indicate the purpose of the gift.
Per Capita Payment
Per Capita money provides the Office of the General Assembly with the means to strengthen the connections of our work and build lasting relationships to help all Presbyterians share God’s love through mission and ministry.
Give Online
- Set up an automatic bank payment through your bank’s Bill Pay feature (This method is highly encouraged as the church does not incur any fees.)
- Pay electronically with PayPal or a credit card. (FHC is billed for associated fees.)
Text to Give
Gifts may be made using your mobile phone. To give via credit card, debit card, or bank account (ACH), text the amount of your gift to 216-400-5300.