Family, Youth, and Children
Our Family, Youth, and Children’s Ministry offers young people and their families a safe, affirming, and inclusive space to grow in relationship to God and one another. We are committed to racial equity as we seek to nurture and celebrate the faith journeys of children, youth, and families through creative, engaging programming that provides opportunities to love and care for others.
- We believe that faith develops over a lifetime through a variety of experiences in which we recognize the presence of God in our lives and seek to live in the way of Jesus.
- We recognize the significant role that adults play in young people’s faith formation. In addition to programming for each age, we seek to support and equip parents and grandparents to support faith at home by sharing and modeling it in conversation, day-to-day practice, and engagement in worship and the life of our church.
- We support opportunities for intergenerational learning, worship, service, and fellowship throughout the year.

Children Are Welcome in Worship Here!
Young people of every age are ALWAYS welcome in worship at Forest Hill. In worship, even very young children begin to understand that they are members of a larger church family in which they are known and celebrated!
Worship provides young people with an opportunity to experience songs and prayers; to hear the words of our ancient and living faith; to be in community with people of all ages. We encourage young people’s participation in worship by greeting/ushering or serving communion with their parents; by leading the Call to Worship or reading scripture; by playing instruments or singing with the Children’s or Chancel choir.
Our congregation and our sanctuary are “kid-friendly!” Sit anywhere you and your children are comfortable. You will find a Children’s Bible in every pew. As you come into the Sanctuary from the parking lot entrance, stop by Ted E. Bear in the Rocking Chair to pick up a children’s bulletin and worship activity bag that contains paper, crayons and other materials for our youngest worshippers. There is also a family-friendly seating area at the front of the sanctuary with kid-size tables and chairs where parents and children can gather.
We are committed to protect and advocate for children, youth and vulnerable adults who participate in the life of our church.
The church is entrusted to provide an emotionally safe, spiritually grounded, healthy environment for children, youth, and adults in which they are protected from abuse. Read our Safe Sanctuary Policy
We ask all parents/guardians to complete a registration form for each of their children who participate in our Children and Youth programs.
Programming for Children & Youth (September 8, 2024 – May 25, 2025)

Birth to Three Years | 10:45am – 12:15pm
Rooms 201 & 203
Two staff members, assisted by volunteers, provide loving care for our youngest children. Our childcare rooms are full of toys that support exploration, make-believe, creativity, and fun. We eat a snack together and may hear a story, play instruments, or create with play-dough. Parents and grandparents are always welcome to stay and play with their children. The worship service is live-streamed in the childcare rooms.
Children’s Program
Preschool – 5th grade |11:00am Worship
Children begin the morning in worship with their families and leave the sanctuary with their adult leaders following the children’s welcome.
11:20am Children’s Gathering
Room 207, Art Room, or Family Library
We gather to build friendships and community! We share joys and concerns over snacks. We create art, play games, write puppet shows or build with Legos as we explore the stories of God’s people. We think about how we can live as followers of Jesus in our homes, at school and in our community.

Little Crescendos Children’s Choir
Preschool – 5th grade | 11:55am – 12:10pm
Chapel, Room 208
As we finish our morning programs, children move to the Chapel with their adult leaders to sing! Julie Minder, an experienced music teacher and member of our Chancel Choir, leads the group in fun and lively music and movement. The Little Crescendos sing in worship 4-5 times each year.
Family, Youth, and Children Resources
Get in Touch
Have questions about our ministry or want to learn how to get connected? Contact our team.