Food Pantry
Our Abundance Food Pantry has grown steadily since it began in 2012. During the Covid Pandemic, we served 300 families a week. Today, the pantry is the fourth largest food pantry in Ohio. The pantry is open on Tuesdays from 10:30am to 1:00pm. We serve residents in the following zip codes: 44106, 44108, 44110, 44112, 44118, 44120 and 44121.

Working together to fulfill our mission…
By working with the Greater Cleveland Food Bank and local food vendors like Zagara’s, Save-a-Lot, Panera’s, On the Rise, Bruegger’s, and Heinens, our costs are kept down to 4¢ per pound. The pantry receives grants from the Food Bank, Harvest for Hunger, United Way, Forest Hill Church, other church groups, and donations from a number of individuals.
The mission of the food pantry is to:
- Provide food and other groceries to our neighbors in need.
- Promote fresh vegetables and healthy foods.
- Get to know our neighbors and create a welcoming experience at the pantry.
- Encourage involvement by our pantry guests in the work that needs to be done.
- Be very efficient with the funds that we are given.
- Be respectful of the space and equipment that is being made available to us at the church.

Volunteer at the Food Pantry
Tuesdays from 8:00am to 1:00pm
Every Tuesday, volunteers from the church and the neighborhood get together to distribute food to qualified families in our community. We begin picking up food and start packing the boxes and bags at 8:00am. From 10:30am until 1:00pm, food is placed directly into cars.
How to Help
If you want to volunteer, click this link or call the director of the Food Pantry, Paul Jennings, at 440-570-6736 to find out the many different ways you can help. You may also email us.
Provide a designated gift by clicking this page or by sending a check made out to Forest Hill Church with the word “Pantry” in the memo line to 3031 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland Hts., OH 44118.