11:15am-12:30pm (immediately after worship) on June 2 and 9 in South Hall
Lunch and Childcare provided

Rev. Lentz will lead two sessions for young adults (under 40-ish) who are interested in exploring Christianity, faith, and the church. What are you looking for in Christianity? What do you hope to find by becoming involved in a faith community? What are your questions, hesitations, concerns? What things draw you in or keep you at a distance?

We hope that this series will provide a safe, friendly space to share your experience, thoughts, and questions and to be in fellowship with others.

Whether you are a church member (long-time or brand new), someone who attends regularly but hasn’t joined, or someone who has been visiting in order to “check us out”—you are welcome! Please note that this is not a membership class—it’s a chance to explore Christianity, faith, and church with our pastor, in the company of friends—no strings attached!

We hope you will join us.

Please RSVP by May 28th

Questions or more info needed?

Contact Amy Wheatley