About The Event
You Sound Like A White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation
by Julissa Arce
This is an important book that challenges the idea of American exceptionalism with equal parts passion, fury, intimacy, and ignored history. Arce celebrates the Mexican American immigrant experience in all its vibrancy and nuance while fearlessly naming the pain inflicted by American racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia.
All book discussions are via Zoom on Saturday mornings
Persons interested in reading and discussing books that further individual and collective knowledge about racial equity issues are invited to join the discussions. For more information, or the Zoom links, email racialequitybuddies@fhcpresb.org.
The First Congregational Church of Hudson (UCC) and the Ministry of Adult Spiritual Growth of Forest Hill Church, Presbyterian are sponsors of the equity book club and racial equity buddies program.