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About The Event

Here’s how it works…

On this evening dinner parties will be held in the homes of church members. You may participate either by purchasing a guest ticket ($10), or by volunteering to host a dinner as your donation. The day before the event guests will receive a text or call revealing their secret destination. Likewise, hosts will not know who will be coming to dinner until the guests arrive! A night of mystery and good fellowship for all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’d like to host, but I live in a small place.
A: We can pair you with another host and you can share space/duties together.

Q: I’d like to host, but I live too far out. (FHC members live everywhere!)
A: Guests will receive their destinations with plenty of time to Google directions.

Q: I’m not the greatest cook. It makes me nervous to host.
A: Nobody is expecting a gourmet feast. Make it an easy menu so you can enjoy the party! Or… pair with someone who loves to cook.

Q: I have dietary issues.
A: We will collect detailed menus from the hosts to address your concerns and will ask you upon buying a ticket to inform us of you issues.

Contact the church office with any questions or to volunteer to host. Ticket sales begin March 1!


See Details for specifics