Adult Spiritual Growth Offerings
Get connected! All are welcome!
Childcare is available starting at 9:15 on Sunday mornings.
Bible Fellowship

Contemplative Scripture Study
Based on the lectionary (scripture readings of the week)
The second and fourth Sundays of the month at 4pm. Meet in person in the chapel. Facilitated by Valeria Stutz and Jennifer Blakeney.
Join in creating community through collective reading and inquiry of the lectionary passages (scripture readings of the week), followed by periods of silence to explore the personal significance of the passage. We will have the opportunity to share with our small group, the way we are called to bring this message into our life. After this we will pray for each other. This is a deeply meaningful way to bring scripture into our lives and make deep connections with each other. Child care available if noted on sign up.

Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:15am, January 5-March 16. Meet in person in South Hall, or join virtually, for the class facilitated by Kathryn Eloff and Tom Zych. Meet in person in the library for the class facilitated by Ron Zimmerman.
We will be studying and discussing the Books of Ruth and Esther from Hebrew Scripture, two very different texts that each center on the profound lives and journeys of two of the most fascinating women of the Bible. In remarkably different ways, the stories of Ruth and Esther present narratives rich in determination, dedication, and courage, with lives more than worthy of close study.

Bibles and Bagels
Wednesday mornings, 7:30am. Meet virtually most weeks, in person in the Jin Room one week per month.
Participants meet for coffee and bagels and a lively discussion of the upcoming lectionary passage. There’s nothing to read ahead of time. Drop-ins welcome!
Other Weekly Opportunities
Men’s Group
When: Every first Saturday of the month from 10:30am-12:00pm
Where: Virtually online. Drop-ins are welcome.
Description: Men of the FHC faith family get together for a lively group discussion.